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The Rising Heart Problems Among Young Adults
Heart disease, once perceived as an issue predominantly affecting older individuals, is increasingly being seen among younger adults. 
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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 101: All Your FAQs Answered
Every year, thousands of patients have their gallbladder removed due to a range of medical conditions.
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Robotic Surgery in Urology
The da Vinci Xi is a robotic surgical system used for minimally invasive surgeries, including prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
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Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - A Basic Guide To A Rare Disease
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a rare cancer affecting blood and bone marrow.
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Scope Out Colon Cancer with Colonoscopy
Painless, quick and potentially life-saving – we are here to take a deep dive into how a simple colonoscopy can make all the difference in catching and preventing colon cancer.
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Puff of Smoke, Countless Consequences
Smoking wreaks havoc on the respiratory system, causing severe and often irreversible damage
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Cancer Essential from Oncologist Perspective
Cancer is a complex disease affecting millions globally. 
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The Gold Standard of Hysterectomy
Patient safety is the cornerstone of Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s (GKL) health service delivery and this is evident in our relentless commitment to uphold the gold standard for everything ...
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Kangaroo Care by Dr. Elaine: Enhancing Newborn Health
Warm Embrace, Healthier Start: Kangaroo Care’s (KC) Impact on Infant Development
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10 Essential Questions About Prostate Enlargement: Insights from Dr. Han Pei Kwong
The prostate is a key part of the male reproductive system and can sometimes cause discomfort and embarrassment. Many men avoid discussing prostate issues due to their sensitive nature. Dr. Han Pei Kw...
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The Future of Gynaecological Surgery: Insights from Dr. Alexandriia See on Robotic Surgery
At Gleneagles Hospital Johor, we are proud to embrace the latest advancements in medical technology to provide our patients with the best care possible. One of the most exciting developments in the fi...
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Are You at Risk of Brain Metastasis?
Brain metastasis is a term used to describe a brain tumour or cancer which originates from a tumour in another part of the body that has spread to the brain.
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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Wake-Up Call for Car Safety
The recent tragic incidents involving individuals found deceased in their cars due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning have once again brought the issue of car safety into sharp focus.
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One-step scaffold cartilage regeneration surgery
Articular cartilage, also known as joint cartilage, refers to the white tissue that covers the ends of bones, forming the joint.
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Gleneagles Hospital Penang: Leading the Way in Advanced Neurosurgery
Gleneagles Hospital Penang is at the forefront of neurosurgical care, offering patients a comprehensive approach to diagnose, treat, and manage neurological conditions.
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Understand Brain Aneurysms: Symptoms, Risks, and Treatments
A brain aneurysm, also known as a cerebral or intracranial aneurysm, is a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel in the brain that balloons out and fills with blood. This can happen to anyone, but certai...
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Understanding Brain Aneurysms and Endovascular Treatment
A brain aneurysm is a weak area in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain that balloons or bulges out.
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Tackling Spine Strain at Work: Effective Solutions and Tips
In the hustle of modern work life, spine health often takes a backseat as we silently endure the demands of office jobs. Dr. Mohd Zaim Mohd Rashid, a consultant in Orthopaedic & Spinal Surgery at ...
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Vital Check-ups for High-Risk Lung Cancer Patients
Do you think that persistent coughing, a raspy voice, and wheezing are just signs of a cold? If you start coughing up blood, experiencing chest pain, or rapidly losing weight, you might already be in ...
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Empowering Your Journey to Health and Wellness: A Guide to Diabetes and Overall Well-being
Whether you are personally managing diabetes, caring for a loved one, or seeking preventive measures, this guide equips you with essential insights for leading a fulfilling life despite the challenges...
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Mechanical Thrombectomy: A Breakthrough Treatment
When a stroke does happen, detecting it early is crucial for timely treatment and better outcomes. Remember BE FAST!
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The Link Between Smoking and Strokes
Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, but most strokes can be prevented by addressing a small number of key risk factors.
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AI for better patient outcomes and enhanced efficiency
The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry is growing. There is enthusiasm that it can offer huge improvements in all areas of healthcare from diagnostics to treatment.
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Responsible AI use and preventive care answer to Malaysian patient demands
Healthcare consultants, hospital leaders, and other industry experts came together to reflect on the rising digital adoption in healthcare, particularly in Malaysia, and emphasised the need for its ac...
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Prostate problems? Consider using steam to banish your urinary woes
As men age, so does their prostate.An enlarged prostate could cause various issues such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a relatively common condition faced by older men.
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Covid-19: Prevention advice for patients with Chronic Respiratory Illnesses
The inadequate lung reserve of these patients with chronic lung disorders may increase their risk of death if they contract Covid-19 pneumonia.
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Does fasting affect the immune system amid the Covid-19 pandemic?
The month of Ramadan comes with a range of dietary and lifestyle modifications as Muslims around the world fast from dawn to dusk. These changes could impact one's immune system.
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How to Deal with Obesity
The prevalence of obesity and Diabetes Mellitus amongst Malaysians have continued to increase significantly. The number of patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus is estimated at 17.5% in 2015 and i...
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Who Needs a 3D Mammogram?
A 3D mammogram helps doctors thoroughly screen for breast cancer especially in women with dense breasts.
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Fasting: Not an Easy Weight Loss Solution
Tidur selepas sahur sangat tidak digalakkan kerana akan memberi kesan dan membahayakan kesihatan.
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Understanding Long Covid
Being diagnosed with Covid-19 is traumatic enough but imagine being discharged after going through the difficult process of recovery, only to find that the effects of the disease still linger.
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How Malaysian Healthcare Should Move Forward
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur's CEO Ms Hoo Ling Lee provides her insights into the future of the healthcare industry and how Malaysia could learn from COVID-19
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Infertility: The Male Factor
It is important to clarify some questions about male infertility, which is often a misunderstood condition, and to break conventional thinking that prevents couples from getting the help that they nee...
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Sistem Robotik Da Vinci Mengubah Pengalaman Operasi
Dr Aziz dan Dr Loh menjelaskan tentang bagaimana operasi atau pelindung telah berkembang dan mengarah ke penggunaan robotika untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik.
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Pengobatan Clubfoot dengan Cara Baru
Clubfoot atau kaki abnormal, adalah jenis kelainan bentuk kaki yang menyerupai club atau tongkat golf. Ini adalah kelainan bentuk kaki bawaan yang umum. Terjadi satu pada setiap seribu kelahiran bayi.
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All You Need to Know About Vasectomy
A vasectomy is a form of contraception. This article explains the intricacies of what you need to know before having a vasectomy.
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The Basics of Skin Health Everyone Should Know About
Our skin is the body's largest organ. Taking proper care of our skin is paramount if we are to live our lives without skin issues which usually show up due to neglect.
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Neutropenic Diet
A Neutropenic diet is a low bacteria diet that safeguards individuals with weakened immune systems due to reasons like transplant procedures, cancer treatment, viral infections, and aplastic anemia. A...
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Kidney Tumours
Our kidneys are crucial organs in our bodies and are responsible for the excretion of urine from our bodies. However, what should you do if you suspect you have a kidney tumour? Dr Thana Balan explain...
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Flu infection in Children. A guild to parent
Flu (also known as influenza) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that affect the nose, throat, and lung. Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly by droplets made when som...
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Neonatal Jaundice (Jaundice In Newborn Babies)
What is jaundice? Jaundice is yellow colour of the skin and whites of the eyes that is common in newborn babies. It is caused by accumulation of bilirubin, a breakdown product of red blood cells ...
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A Shot at Preventing Cancer - Why Not?
Cervical Cancer is one of the very few gynaecological cancers that can easily be screened, detected, treated, and cured at an early stage. Find out more on how can this be done.
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Beating heart surgery
That’s right, the heart was still beating during the bypass surgery. (Conventional bypass would neccesitate the cessation of heart function during surgery).
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Winning The Battle Against Diabetes
Malaysia has the highest incidence of diabetes in South-East Asia. Dr. Saiful explains the impacts of diabetes and what we can do to mitigate the effects.
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Prostate Cancer - One of the Leading Cancers in Malaysian Men
As more and more men enjoy longer life expectancy, an increase in the incidence of prostate cancer are becoming more apparent
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Vitamins & Supplements For Kids: Do Healthy Children Need Them?
Minerals and vitamins are required for children's healthy growth and development. However, children do not get energy from vitamins. Instead, they assist our biological systems to run normally.
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The Mighty Prostate
The prostate is a very important part of sexual health in a man. It’s central to the ejaculatory process and despite its small size, it has a mammoth function and responsibility.
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Gamma Knife For Brain Surgery
Gamma Knife is a highly accurate radiosurgery procedure that is usually performed with the application of a stereotactic frame.
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Thinking of Skipping Your Second Covid-19 Vaccine Shot?
Thinking of skipping your second Covid-19 vaccine shot? Dr Saiful explains what happens when you choose to skip this crucial step!
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Brain Tumours: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
A brain tumour is an abnormal growth or mass of cells in or around the brain. Spinal tumours and brain tumours are called central nervous system (CNS) tumours. These tumours may be malignant (can...
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Does Bacteria Cause Stomach Cancer?
Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a build-up of abnormal cells that form a mass in part of the stomach. One risk factor for stomach cancer is infection with a type of bacteria call...
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POLYCYSTIC Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) And Its Implications
POLYCYSTIC ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common reproductive endocrine disease among women of childbearing age. Although this condition has not received much publicity, it impacts many young ...
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Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Malaysia.
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All You Need To Know About Pituitary Tumours
Pituitary tumors are tumors that form in the pituitary gland near the brain that can cause changes in hormone levels in the body.
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Understanding Lymphoma And The Treatment Options
Lymphoma is cancer that begins in infection-fighting cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other parts of the body.
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Finding the Cause of Chronic Bladder Problems
Urodynamics is a study that assesses how well the bladder and urethra store and release urine. This consists of tests assessing the functionality of the urinary tract, pinpoint urinary obstructio...
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Addressing Colorectal Cancer
The most recent cancer statistics in Malaysia have categorised colorectal cancer as the most common cancer in males and the second most common in females. Beginning at age 50, both men and women at av...
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Lifestyle Choices and Cancer
Understanding cancer awareness is imperative to tailor preventative efforts and reduce the cancer burden. Lifestyle and your personal choices potentially influence your chance of developing cancer. Fo...
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Surgery Without Boundaries
Robotic surgery brings many advantages. There are already more than 5,600 robots in 67 countries with more than 7,200,000 procedures performed. With AR, remotely guided operations, can assist surgeons...
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What You Must Know About Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery a type of surgery that achieves the surgical objective with minimal destruction of normal functioning tissue. It is gaining popularity and has provided equal or bette...
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FAQs: Covid-19 Vaccine
Current research indicates the vaccines for Covid-19 have a very good safety profile-been tested in large clinical trials. This article covers the commonly asked questions surrounding the Covid-19 vac...
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Immunotherapy For Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to boost the immune system and help the body find and destroy cancer cells.
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7 Most Commonly Asked Diabetes Questions
Diabetes is not a chronic kidney disease but up to 40% of people with diabetes will have chronic kidney disease. High blood sugars will damage the kidneys slowly leading to either leakage of protein (...
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Fertility & Covid-19: The Reproductive Implication of Coronavirus
People are understandably worried as the coronavirus epidemic spreads quickly over the world, not only about their physical health but also about potential short- and long-term effects on numerous ele...
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Don’t Just Blame The Tonsils
People attribute some symptoms to what can easily be seen, sometimes mistakenly so. Hence, the pharyngeal tonsils are often blamed for symptoms that play no part of. A common example is parents bringi...
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The Basics of Skin Health Everyone Should Know
Did you know that our skin is our largest organ? Our skin protects us from infection, regulating our body temperature and enabling us to feel the heat, cold, pain, soft touch, vibration, and pressure ...
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Leukemia and Lymphoma
Leukemia & Lymphoma are cancers of the blood and immune systems and they are evaluated and treated by hematologists. In this article, resident hematologist Dr. Jay Suriar of Gleneagles Hospit...
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Understanding Pap Smear Procedure
Pap smear tests are essential to screen for cervical cancer in women. Read more here!
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How Parents Can Help Kids Manage Increased Stressors with Covid-19
The impact of Covid-19 on our physical well-being has been widely discussed but little attention has been given to parents on how they can minimize Covid-19's effects on their children. This article w...
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5G and The Future of Robotic Surgery
The fifth generation of cellular wireless technology (5G) will revolutionize healthcare with its high speed and massive connection power. Future robots will be the medical equivalent of the moder...
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Obesity & Bariatric Surgery
Obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body that presents a risk to health. Obesity is a major risk factors for several chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease...
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Covid-19 Vaccination for Children aged 5-11
The Covid-19 vaccine for this age group is only available by Pfizer bio-tech. The vaccine for children is a separate formulation that differs from the current vaccine available for adults. While the m...
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Head and Neck Tumour : An Overview
Head and neck tumour are a broad category of growth that occur in the head and neck region. Learn more about it in this article
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Cardiovascular Diseases: Take Care!
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders affecting the heart and blood vessels resulting in ischemic heart disease and stroke. CVD is the leading cause of death in Malaysia and also the ...
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What All Parents Need to Know About Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Malaysia
Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (Penyakit Tangan, Kaki dan Mulut (HFMD)) is a common childhood illness caused by a virus. It easily spreads from person to person (contagious) when someone comes in contact wit...
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Egg Allergies In Children
Reactions to eggs can occur in many different forms. The most common reaction is a food allergy, in which eating eggs can lead to an allergic reaction such as hives (urticaria), swelling around lips a...
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Nose bleed is a common issue in children and most causes are benign and rarely life threatening. 
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The Healing Hands of 5G Healthcare
With 5G able to deliver high bandwidth and very low latency, vital signs could be streamed to medical equipment or screen monitors during surgical training with almost no delay. A private network &nda...
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Tackling Workplace Stress - Make Your Mental Health A Priority
Stress is our body's response to situations that are considered overwhelming or threatening. During stressful situations, our bodies respond by producing physical and mental reactions that can be posi...
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Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL)
Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) is the use of high pressure and transient shockwaves which will then crack the calcium in the artery without causing any damage to the surrounding tissue.&nbs...
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Colorectal cancer is a disease affecting the colon and rectum in which cells in the either organ grow out of control. Colorectal cancer is also referred to as colon cancer.  The colon is app...
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Gastritis During Pregnancy
Gastritis refers to a group of conditions that develop from the inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the protective lining of the stomach. It most commonly results from an infection by the same bac...
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Brain Metastases and the Link Between Lung, Breast & Colorectal Cancers: Be Aware of Your Risks
Brain metastases are caused by tumor cells from cancer somewhere else in the body spreading through the blood and then to the brain. Lung cancer is one of the cancers most likely to spread to the brai...
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12 Good Brain Exercises for Stroke Recovery
Having a stroke can change your life. However, it is possible to regain the life you had before. Here are 12 brain exercises for stroke recovery. 
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Understanding Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behaviour, sensations and sometimes loss of awareness.
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Functional Foods
The term ‘functional foods’ encompass foods that have a potentially beneficial effect on health beyond basic nutrition. Proponents of functional foods claim that these foods promote optima...
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Diabesity: The New Epidemic
Diabesity is the term for diabetes occurring in the context of obesity which is a newly evolving epidemic.
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Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Radiation Therapy (DIBH)
Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) radiation therapy greatly reduces the potential of heart and lungs damage in the treatment of breast and lung cancers, simply by two additional procedures – i...
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Body Composition Analysis (BCA)
Body composition is a method of breaking down the body into its core components: fat, protein, minerals, and body water. It describes bodyweight more accurately and provides a better glimpse into your...
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Diabesity and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): The Connection
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, commonly occurs in people with diabetes. A study from 2015 looked at the rates of GERD in people with diabetes. In that study, 42% of the participan...
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Overweight and Obesity in Children
Every child is unique in the way they grow and develop. As a parent, you may find yourself struggling to help your child develop healthier lifestyle habits, eat nutritious meals and ensure healthy wei...
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Dealing With Fevers In Children
Having a child come down with a fever can be an alarming thing for parents, especially first-time mums and dads. In this article, Dr. Khamini Ramanujam, our resident consultant Paediatrician shar...
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Happy Hypoxia
Hypoxemia is defined as “a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.” As blood oxygen levels begin to reduce, a person may experience shortness of breath, also called dyspne...
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Nutrition For COVID-19 Recovery
During illness and when recovering from COVID-19, some may experience loss of appetite and reduced food intake. If intake is insufficient, our body uses its stores of energy, protein, vitamins, a...
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Spinal Conditions
The spine, or backbone, is the body's central support structure. It connects different parts of the musculoskeletal system. The spine aids in various movements such as sitting, standing, walking,...
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Tonsil Cancer
Tonsil cancer is relatively rare and living with a rare form of cancer can be challenging. Tonsil cancer is often diagnosed late in the disease, when cancer has spread to nearby areas, such as the ton...
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Ovarian Cancer Treatment: Expertise at Gleneagles Hospital
Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women in Malaysia. It is responsible for 140,000 deaths annually around the world.
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Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one the most common cancers in the world and is the most lethal cancer in Malaysia after breast cancer. Lung cancer is the abnormal growth of lung cells that results in a malignant tumo...
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Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
Following tumour removal, some cancers can recur after a period of remission. Recurring cancers are often found in the abdomen of the patient. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is the ...
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Cancer In Children
Childhood malignancies differ from adult tumours in their nature, characteristics and behaviour. Their unique radiological and histopathological characteristics demand a team approach, with experts fr...
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Understanding uterine cancer
The most common symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal bleeding from the vagina. Find out more.
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Psychology Counseling and Psychotherapy: What You Should Know
It is well understood that mental health is equally as important as physical health, thus seeking for professional help is of the utmost importance for mental well-being and to function bett...
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5 Myths of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer has one of the highest incidences in women. When it comes to breast cancer, there are many myths that surround it. In this article, we will be addressing the common myths regarding breas...
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Managing Diabetes During COVID-19 Pandemic
An alarming 7 million adults, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, are estimated to be affected by diabetes in Malaysia by the year 2025.
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Sanitizer And Dermatitis Issue
To contain the spread of COVID-19, people are washing their hands and using hand sanitizer more frequently than they may have in the past. This may lead to the worsening of existing skin conditions be...
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Spinal Stenosis: An Overview
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal (spaces within the spine) that may exert pressure on the nerves along the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck.
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Vaginal Health - What Women Should Know About Maintaining A Healthy Vagina!
Vaginal health is an important part in a woman’s overall health. Vaginal problems have led to fertility issues as well as relationship problems - low libido and self-esteem issues. Generally, ma...
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Understanding Gynaecological Cancers
1 in 4 Malaysians will get cancer during their lifetime. Worldwide, over a million women are diagnosed with cancers of their reproductive organs (gynaecolgical cancers) each year. 
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Anxiety: An Overview
Anxiety refers to an unpleasant mood associated with physical symptoms that are the result from the feeling of uncertainty about the future or threat to one’s well-being. 
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COVID-19 Vaccine for Rheumatology Patients
Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine for rheumatology patients
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Knee Preservation
According to the United Nations, by 2050, people aged over 60 will account for more than 20% of the world’s population. Of that 20%, a conservative estimate of 15% will have symptomatic ost...
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Sleep Problems? Learn To Manage Insomnia With Psychological Therapy
Sleep is an important part of daily life. We spend about one-third of our time in sleep. Quality sleep is very important as one gets to rest and restore the body’s energy levels.
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Asthma: Take A Deep Breath
Asthma is a medical condition in which the airways narrow and get inflamed, which may lead to difficulty breathing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
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Depression: Every Life Matters
Depression is a complex mood disturbance that can be attributed to several causes. While we focus on our physical health, it it also essential to take good care of our mental health.
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Gastritis: An Overview
Gastritis is a general term used to describe a group of conditions with one common factor - inflammation of the protective stomach lining
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Transcatheter Heart Valve Implantation (TAVI)
A transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) or transcatheter aortic valve replacement implantation (TAVI) is a minimally-invasive procedure for individuals with severe aortic stenosis.
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Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery
This article shares on vaginal birth after cesarean delivery - the benefits and risks, and the factors that will affect the decision of delivery methods.
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Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance is defined as the loss of effectiveness of antimicrobial medicine, including antibacterial, antivirus, antifungal and antiparasitics agents. 
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Urinary Tract Infection
A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection that can affect any part of the urinary system such as the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
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Goitre is the swelling of the neck due to enlargement of the thyroid gland.
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A hernia is a gap or space in the strong tissue that holds muscles in place.
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Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are growths that develop from cells that make up the muscle of the uterine wall
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High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy: Preeclampsia
High blood pressure during pregnancy, or preeclampsia, affects 7 out of every 100 pregnant women. It affects most of these women during their first pregnancy. High blood pressure occurs when the press...
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Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is a medical condition where the kidney fails to adequately filter toxins and waste products from the blood. 
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Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are very common in women during their reproductive years. Some types of ovarian cysts are normal and usually harmless, often going away without any treatment. However, some cysts are abn...
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What is Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is an infection caused by a virus that produces sores and blisters around the external sex organs. In most cases it is passed on through direct contact with secretions from the active s...
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Stroke is a significant health problem globally. It is the third leading cause of death in Malaysia. A stroke happens when the supply of blood to the brain is suddenly disrupted. 
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Your Safety is Always First in Every Step We Take
Safety always comes first at Gleneagles Hospital, and we’ve strengthened our already stringent safety standards to help manage COVID-19.
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Vaginal Infection and Douching
Vaginal infection or vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that creates discharge, odour, irritation, or itching.
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Why Does My Hand Hurt?
Pain in the hand, fingers or wrist used to be a relatively uncommon condition. Instead, workers who use their hands extensively to do manual work and heavy lifting are more likely to complain of achin...
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Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pain which is often debilitating and varying in duration.
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Dengue is a severe, flu-like illness that affects infants, children and adults, but seldom causes death. Symptoms typically last for 2–7 days
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Vaccines for Infectious Diseases
Vaccination provides benefits including increasing immunity and saving costs of treating diseases that are preventable, as well as preventing the spread of diseases to your loved ones and other indivi...
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Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) of the lower limbs is blockage of the arteries in the lower limbs. It may happen suddenly and is usually caused by blood clots. It may also happen over time where the b...
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Healthy Eating During Ramadan
After a long fast, you may want to treat yourselves to good food. However, it is important to make sure that the food contain essential nutrients & minerals that your body needs. Thus, the quality...
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Nose Cancer
Nose cancer, also known as nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), is the fifth most common cancer in Malaysia.
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Correct Way of Wearing and Removing Surgical Mask
Surgical masks help to limit the spread of germs. It is recommended to wear a mask if you are unwell to prevent others from getting infected. 
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Do's and Don'ts to Reduce Risks of Respiratory Infection for Children
Respiratory infections in children are common. The infections usually occur in the lungs, chest, sinuses,  nose and throat.
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Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Endometriosis can occur in any woman of childbearing age, including teenagers. It can also recur in women previously treated for endometriosis.
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COLORECTAL CANCER - Second deadliest cancer among Malaysians
Cancer of the colon and rectum is second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Malaysian. Recent research has shown that appropriate screening and treatment can alleviat...
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Dementia is an overall term for diseases and conditions characterized by a decline in memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking skills that affect a person's ability to perform everyday act...
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ECG and Heart Disease
ECG or electrocardiogram is basically a window into your heart. It’s a very basic test that looks at the vectors or shape of your heart. It looks at the electrical activity of your heart. From E...
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3 Common blood Conditions During Pregnancy
In Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, our partnership with you begins from the day you conceive your child. You are your best health advocate. Listen to your body and recognise early signs of common conditions ...
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Child Eye Care
Caring for your child’s eyes has never been more important than in today’s digital age. Screens are used for everything from homework to watching shows to playing games. Learning to identi...
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Childhood Diabetes
If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be feeling worried, fearful and anxious about how this disease affects their childhood.
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Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) – What Do You Need To Know
A congenital heart defect is a problem with the structure of the heart. It is present at birth. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect.
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Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Infection in Children
Ear infection, allergic rhinitis and tonsillitis are the common ENT infections in children.
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Flatfeet, Pigeon Toe and Toe-Walking – Does Your Child Have These Problems?
A child’s musculoskeletal growth is crucial for support and stability in their bodies. Healthy development can sometimes be interfered with, presenting deformities that can be seen at birth or w...
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5 Commonly Asked Questions About Heart Health
There are some heart diseases like certain cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias, which can be passed down through genes or families. However, most heart diseases are not acquired solely via genetic inherita...
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Advanced Heart Failure Treatment at Gleneagles Hospital
Heart failure often happens when other conditions have damaged or weakened the heart or if the heart becomes too stiff. In both instances, the heart does not pump blood efficiently throughout the body...
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An Overview of Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer — cancer of the colon and rectum — is the most common cancer in male and second most common amongst female in Malaysia. The incidence is highest among Chinese followed by...
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An overview of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when there are fatty plaques within the arterial wall, resulting in narrowing and reduced blood flow. It is a chronic ailment that develops over years.
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear and Injury in A Knee
The ACL tears when excessive force is applied to the knee, usually in sports injury, fall or motor vehicle accidents. It occurs when the knee is twisted or jerked forward beyond a certain limit. ACL t...
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Breast Self-Examination – What You Need To Know
Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. They undergo changes throughout your lifetime. Menstruation, pregnancy, ageing and weight changes may alter the shape, size and feel of your breasts.
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Cancer | Not A Death Sentence
Definition of cancer almost always will include phrases like “uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the body that can invade surrounding tissues and spread to distant structures and organs&hell...
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Cardiac Electrophysiology
Cardiac electrophysiology is the field of assessing the heart’s electrical system and activity, as well as the treatment of any abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Electrophysiologists are car...
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Cervical Lymphadenopathy In Children
A common condition in children, cervical lymphadenopathy is the enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the neck region and is usually secondary to a viral or bacterial infection.
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Chorea In Women Aged 40 And Above
Chorea is a symptom and not a specific disease, in the same way a fever can happen for many different reasons. In most forms of chorea, there is an excess of dopamine, the main neurotransmitter in the...
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Coronary Heart Disease 101
Coronary heart disease causes the dangerous thickening and narrowing of the coronary arteries (the vessels that bring blood to the heart), which disrupts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heart,...
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Diabetes Mellitus 101
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease whereby the blood sugar in the body is high due to inability of the body to utilize sugar as the main source of energy, causing the blood sugar to rise above nor...
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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
GERD, also known as acid reflux, is a digestive disorder where contents from the stomach flows back into the oesophagus (food pipe). This reflux action can cause irritation and tissue damage to the oe...
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High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
Non-communicable diseases are on the rise in Malaysia, with hypertension among those leading the way in terms of prevalence. According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2015, high blood pres...
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Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Hyperthyroidism, also known as an overactive thyroid, is when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormones. Read to discover its symptoms, causes & treatments.  
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Hypothyroidism is the reduced production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.
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Interacting With An Autistic Child
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by impairments in communication, behaviour, and social function.
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Knee Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a condition in the knee whereby there is wear or degeneration of the knee cartilage due to repetitive stress to the cartilage.
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Normal Delivery Possible After C-Sec
Among the prevalent misconceptions about c-secs are that the procedure is dangerous, extremely painful, and have a prolonged recovery period. This could not be further from the truth.
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Pleuroscopy / Medical Thoracoscopy
Pleuroscopy is an examination of the space between the lung and the chest wall, where a thin tube called a pleuroscope is inserted through the skin on the chest into the pleural space (space between t...
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Prostatitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Acute prostatitis is usually caused when bacteria in the urinary tract enter the prostate. The urinary tract includes the bladder, kidneys, tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder (ureters) and ...
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Sydenham’s Chorea In Young Children Below 20
Sydenham chorea, also known as St. Vitus’s dance, is a complication of rheumatic fever, which itself is a childhood infection caused by certain streptococci.
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Things That You Need To Know About Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a chronic, non-infectious, neurologic condition defined by seizures (which involve abnormal electrical discharges in the brain).
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Things You Need To Know About Goitre
Goitre is the swelling of the neck due to enlargement of the thyroid gland.
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Understanding Heart Failure
Heart failure is a major health and economic burden in Southeast Asia. Coronary artery disease and hypertension are the main causes of heart failure among adults in this region, accounting for almost ...
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What Do You Need To Know About Stroke?
The brain, like every other organ in the body, depends on a constant supply of energy to function normally. The brain’s fuel (oxygen and sugar) is carried in the blood.
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