Premium Plus
  • Ambulance / Emergency
    +6088 518 911
  • General line
    +6088 518 888
  • CHI
  • BM
  • ID

A cost-effective package created specially to offer a thorough health check just for you! All the necessary tests are included in our Premium Plus package.

RM 2,488
Package Price
Make an Appointment
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Treadmill Stress Test or CT Coronary Calcium Score
Echocardiogram (ECHO)
Chest X-Ray & Ultrasound Abdomen & Pelvis
Ultrasound Carotid Artery
Mammogram or Ultrasound Breast*
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) with report
Laboratory tests
  • Blood analysis
  • Lipid Profile
  • Diabetes
  • Gout
  • Vitamin D
  • Hepatitis
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Venereal
  • CV Risk
  • H. Pylori Screening
  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Thyroid Function
  • Urine Test
  • Tumour Markers*
  • Pap Test*
  • Ankle Brachial Index
  • Pure Tone Audiometry
  • Detailed Medical History
  • Vital Signs
  • Body Fat Composition Analysis
  • Basic Eye Examination
  • Medical Report
  • Results Review
Additional Test

Laboratory Test

  • Liquid-based Pap Test – RM126
  • HPV DNA (from pap test sampling) – RM270
  • Urea Breath Test – screening for Helicobacter Pylori – RM158
  • Male Tumor Markers (AFP, CA, CA199, PSA) – RM147
  • Female Tumor Markers (AFP, CEA, CA199, CA125, Ca153, B-HCG) – RM196
  • HB Electrophoresis – RM81
  • Iron Stucies – RM63
  • Fecal Occult blood (Stool Sample) – RM16
  • Radiology/ Imaging – Bone Mineral Density Test – RM174
  • MRI Brain – RM898
  • MRI Brain & MRA – RM 1,035
  • Ultrasound Pelvis – RM169
  • Ultrasound Abdomen – RM211
  • Ultrasound Pelvis & Abdomen – RM230
  • Ultrasound Catorid Artery – RM171
  • Ultrasound Thyroid – RM154
  • Ultrasound Breast – RM160
  • Digital mammogram – RM173

Cardiac Assessment Test

  • ECHO – RM360
  • Stress Test – RM360
  • ECHO & Stress Test – RM529
  • CT Coronary Calcium Score – RM473

Other Screening Test

  • Hearing Test – RM73
  • AB Index – RM100
See Full List
Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu
Ambulance / Emergency
+6088 518 911
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